Comsoa Membership Renewal Form

Please Select Which Membership To Renew

Affiliate membership is the most common membership where COMSOA is your home club.
Associate membership is available to persons affiliated through another club. Proof of affiliation is required.

Affiliate Members - Please tick MAAA Appointments or ratings held so they can be included on your MAAA Card.

Associate Members Only - Please attach a copy of your home club receipt or a copy of your MAAA Card (for proof for current MAAA membership).

Maximum file size is 10MB. Files greater than 10MB will cause the form to reset without submitting.

Direct Deposit Details

For current fees refer to the "Membership and Fees" page on the website.

Club Bank Details - "City of Maitland Society of Aeromodellers Inc"
BSB: 650-000
A/C: 550893309

The payment reference will have been filled out when the bank transfer was carried out. This helps us identify your bank transfer from all the others.

Fees must be paid by 30th June or club membership and insurance cover lapses (Refer to club constitution and by-laws).
You must have current MAAA insurance cover to fly at our field.